Learning more about React.js and Flux

18th November 2015 7:52 pm

Udemy have very kindly provided some vouchers for free access to their course, "Build Web Apps with ReactJS and Flux" for me to give away…

A quick and easy Varnish primer

19th September 2015 6:42 pm

As I mentioned in an earlier post , I recently had the occasion to use Varnish to improve the performance of a website that otherwise would…

When you should not use Wordpress

22nd August 2015 6:32 pm

I must admit, I've had a rather bad experience with WordPress recently. The site in question was an e-commerce site, built with WordPress…

Testing Django views in isolation

2nd August 2015 4:58 pm

One thing you may hear said often about test-driven development is that as far as possible, you should test everything in isolation. However…