About me

I'm a web (and occasional mobile app) developer based in Norfolk in the UK.

I've worked extensively with a number of technologies, including the following:

  • Laravel
  • Django
  • Zend 1
  • Next.js
  • Gatsby.js
  • Drupal
  • Wordpress
  • Statamic
  • React.js
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

I blog regularly about web development, particularly about Django, Laravel and Node.js, and have also written for Sitepoint. Outside of work and extra-curricular coding I'm a huge fan of Firefly and Archer, and have spent way too much time lately playing No Man's Sky, Subnautica (both the original and Below Zero) and Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. I've also begun developing an appreciation of Guinness and Brewdog's range of ales (Dead Pony Club is my favourite).

Contacting me

You can contact me via this form.